Game Configuration Output Functions

The response of an Output to its active Input can be controlled by selecting the output Function from the following list:


The output is active only when the input is active.


When the input activates, the output will toggle, or latch, its on/off state.  It will hold its last on/off state until the next input activation or if the user changes to a mode that does not have the output configured with a toggle.


As long as the input is active, the output will turn on and off repeatedly.  The default rate is 10 times per second. An optional value for the number of repeats per second may be placed in the cell after the word, like "repeat 4".

An optional 2nd parameter is a delay in milliseconds before the output starts repeating.  "repeat 5 2000" would turn on the output for two seconds, then start pulsing 5 times per second until the input is released.



When the input goes from inactive to active, the output will turn on for brief period of time.  The default is 100ms. An optional parameter for the duration of the pulse, in milliseconds, may be placed in the cell after the word, like "pulse 1500".  An optional second parameter controls the number of pulses delivered.  The default number of pulses is 1.  "pulse 50 2" could be used to "double tap" a trigger.


As the input value goes from 0 to 100%, scale the duration of the on-time of the output.  The default minimum on/off time is 100ms.  An optional parameter, in milliseconds, can be added to adjust the minimum on/off time.  Ignore the red validation marker when using the optional parameter.


When the analog value of the input equals or exceeds a value, the output will turn on.   The default value is 100%, which will turn on the output when the input reaches 100%.  (A normal function turns on at 0.1%). An optional parameter, in percent, may be added.  Ignore the red validation marker when using the optional parameter. 

A second optional parameter was added to greater_than in firmware build 1866 that turns the output off when it is exceeded.  For example, "greater_than 25 75" would turn on the output when the input exceeded 25% and turn it back off when the input exceeded 75%.


When the analog value of the input is less than a value, the output will turn on.  The default value is 100%.  This function acts like an inverter or not function.  An optional parameter, in percent, may be added. Ignore the red validation marker when using the optional parameter. 


When the input activates, it will force the output off.  This is used to allow one input to force off an output that was turned on or latched by an earlier input.  An optional parameter, in milliseconds, allows a delay in the force_off function.  The default delay is 0 ms


When the input activates, the output will activate.  If the input is held active for longer than a period of time, the output will latch on and stay on when the input deactivates.  If the input is held active for less than the time period, the output will deactivate when the input deactivates.  A previously latched output can be turned off with a brief activation of the input or forced off by another input.  The default delay period is 1000ms.  An optional parameter....  yadda yadda, you know the drill by now...


Will hold the output on for a period of time (in ms) after the input goes inactive.


Will prevent the output from turning on for a period of time (in ms) after an input goes active.  The default delay is 1000 ms.  An optional parameter can control the delay.  If an optional second parameter is present, the output will pulse for the duration of the second parameter and turn off.  By default the output will stay on as long as the input is active.  This function can be used to sequence up to six keyboard keys from one input. 


When the input is activated for less than 500 ms and released, the output will be activated for 100 ms as the input is released.  If the input is activated for longer than 500 ms, the output remains off.  Can be used along with delay_on to allow a single sip/puff/lip input to control two outputs.  Two optional parameters allow control of the time period that determines the tap detection and the duration of the pulse when a tap is detected.  The default parameters are equivalent to "tap 500 100".  This function will clear any associated toggle or latch or delay_off when the input activates.

Fred Davison