QuadStick user's YouTube channels:
(some of these are NSFW)
QuadStick user's Twitch channels:
QuadStick (Auto hosts the channels below)
Videos from QuadStick users.
The latest from Steamy Biscuit (Jeremy) explaining how to create a new custom voice command file:
The QuadStick is one of the products featured in the video below. If you don't understand German, pause the video, turn on German Subtitles, then turn on Auto-Translate
In preparation for Rise of the Tomb Raider, I tested the first Tomb Raider with the Quadstick. For the Quadstick I can create a custom configuration for each game. how it works, I show times in a separate video.
Vor ein paar Wochen habe ich mir in den USA den Quadstick, als Alternative zur Integra Mouse bestellt. Die Integra Mouse benutze ich vom Bett aus zum Arbeiten oder zum Spielen. Den Quadstick nehme ich wenn ich vom Rolli aus Spiele. Ohne Beatmung wäre es mir zu Anstrengend zu Spielen.
Spinal Injuries Australia member Jay Hooker demonstrates the QuadStick, a revolutionary gaming device for people who have quadriplegia. Our Allied Health Services assisted Jay to apply for funding from the Queensland Government, along with pressure mapping and cushion reviews to ensure he can play comfortably.
A video of me using my QuadStick controller on my PS3 playing Skyrim, very easy to do
A racing game played with a quadstick controller (PC).
This is my friend Deontae demonstrating using his Quadstick to play a Video game on his Xbox360. You can get more information on the quadstick at http:www.Quadstick.com
Uploaded by Chase Borders on 2014-12-23.
Uploaded by alphonso mobley on 2015-02-06.
Craig Lawrie - Playing Dishonored with the QuadStick
Matt Victor, a C1 quadriplegic with no ability to move his hands or head, demonstrates the QuadStick mouth operated game controller for the PS3 while playing Call of Duty. http://quadstick.com